The original form of this book was published by Academic Press, 1250
Sixth Avenue, San Diego, California 92101-4311 in 1992. ISBN 0-12-746660-6.
The figures were reproduced with the permission of Applied Micro Circuit
Corporation. The Q20000 Series and other bopolar and BiCMOS series referenced
belong to AMCC. Note that this book is dated as to the AMCC ASIC business.
It represents design flow from the late 1980's to early 1990's. Thge design
flow bears a remarkable similarity to the current design flow used by
Cadence and Synopsys - with the switch from schematic capture to HDL code (Verilog, RTL)
, synthesis (Design Compiler), timing analysis (PrimeTime) and Place & Route (the old Gate Ensemble to today's programs from Synopsys, Cadence, and others), and with more of the validation steps now performed by various
software programs. A basic understanding of the underlying methodology
to what we do today with deep submicron technologies is still a good read.
Everything that bipolar design had to handle in the early 1980's is what
we now must handle for 0.25 micron and belowCMOS technologies.
This book was based on classes taught at USCD and
at AMCC's customer Design Centerin the late 1980-early 1990s.
Customer training courses prepared by high-technology vendors are a required
extension to that training available in the engineering classes at the
college level. The quality of that training can vary with the experience
of the instructor. The experience of the instructor with the nuances of
the products is one facet. The teaching expertise is another. By providing this supplement, it would
be possible for other, less experienced instructors, to take over the
actual presentation of the seminars while ensuring no loss of insight
into the methodology or product taught.