Last Edit July 22, 2001
Parametric Simulation
Since there is a gate tree, a parametric vector set can be easily constructed
using the Minimal Test Sequence. The sequence requires that only one input
change per vector, that each input toggle in both directions and that
the output (PARAM) toggles with each vector.
Figure 8-3 shows a parametric vector file for a 32-bit version of the
register. Sampling and format are vendor-specific, and the 100 ns step
was used. Note that the reset is executed at the beginning as it was for
the functional vectors. This will produce an error message during parametric
vector checking.
Figure 8-3 Parametric Simulation - 32-Bit
Register (partial)
Figure 8-3b Parametric Simulation - 32-Bit
Register - Full Listing
By combining the functional and parametric vectors, 100% fault coverage
is obtained for a circuit. Only sampled simulations are submitted.
Create a complete parametric vector set for the schematics shown in the
Appendix of Chapter 3.