Logic Design for Array-Based Circuits

by Donnamaie E. White

Copyright © 1996, 2001, 2002, 2008, 2016 Donnamaie E. White , WhitePubs Enterprises, Inc.



Logic symbol design. Macro symbol representation of the design. Also refers to blueprints created by other means.

Schematic capture
The process of entering macros and their interconnections into an EWS before error analysis and simulation.

Semicustom array
An array that is pre-designed in all base levels, leaving the top n levels for user-defined connections.

Series, as in logic array series.
Devices that are similar, differing in size; a related set of products.

Series gating
Transistor chaining.

Set Q output of a latch or flip/flop to TRUE, usually = 1.

Signal pin
A pin carrying a variable signal rather than power or ground. This is also used as an abbreviation for package signal pin.

Silicon compiler
Software that translates a circuit description at the behavior or gate level to a pattern generator tape.

Simulation vector
A bit-pattern used to evaluate functionality, parametrics, or timing performance of a circuit or array.

Single-ended input
Single rail One polarity (as opposed to differential input).

The amount of variation in propagation delay between two logical gates. A function of placement, switching, whether the two gate functions are on identical macros, on the same power bus, have the same loading, etc.

Speed/power ratio
Term used to indicate the tradeoff of higher speed for higher current and therefore power dissipation.

Small Scale Integration; 2-20 equivalent gates on a chip; AND, OR, NOT level gates.

Stabilization time
Time required for a circuit to reach a stable, known state.

Standard cell
An approach to customization in which all mask levels (as many as 14) are stored with a macro. The base wafer is not made ahead of time. Tooling costs are higher than with semi-custom gate arrays. Debug takes longer than for semi-custom. Depending on the designer, it may save die area and therefore overall cost for large production runs. Differences between it and gate arrays are in reality slight and die costs are not the leading expense.

Standard macro
The basic parametric configuration for a macro. All macros have an S-option although drivers have only one option.

A macro parameter that allows the user to "tag" members of a switching group (simultaneously switching outputs).


Testability Analysis
Evaluation of the controllability and observability of a circuit. Controllability is the measure of how easy it is to toggle a node. Observability is the measure of whether the toggling of a node can be seen at an output easily, with difficulty, or not at all.

Thermal diode
Constructed from input and output macros with a choice of sizes (2X transistor normally used), this device allows thermal measurements to be made for a device. A thermal diode is incorporated into the base for the Q20000 Series arrays.

Three-level gating
Three-stage transistor staging; proprietary technique used in the earlier AMCC Q3500 and Q5000 Series Bipolar Logic Arrays.

Trench-oxide isolated
Technology used in the bipolar high-speed AMCC Q20000 Series (1.2GHz).

Transistor-Transistor logic, AKA T2L.

output drive See IOL

Turbo driver
An AMCC-patented dynamic discharge circuit that replaces the static current source of the emitter follower. This allows lower power, higher drives, and reduced skews.


Uncommitted logic
Logic whose use or application is not predetermined by the manufacturer.


VHSIC hardware description language, a high-level design language.

Very high-speed large scale integration. See VHSIC.

Very high-speed integrated circuits, from the American military program (Department of Defense).

Very large scale integration, over 1000 equivalent gates, (1000-10000 gates on a chip).


The silicon slice (various diameter circles) upon which multiple layers of doped materials have been placed to form a number of usable component chips known as dice. Yield is usually stated as the number of usable die per wafer. Wafers consist of layers of conducting, partially conducting and non-conducting materials. The layers form active and pas-sive components of the die.

Refers to the multiplication factors used to compute maximum worst-case power and maximum worst-case path propagation delay when the circuit is for COMMERCIAL application. Or, refers to the worst-case maximum specifications under Commercial operating conditions.

Worst-case MILITARY
Refers to the multiplication factors used to compute maximum worst-case power or maximum worst-case path propagation delay when the circuit is for MILITARY application. Or, refers to the worst-case maximum specifications under Military operating conditions.

Worst-case multiplier
The adjustment factor specified for use in computing maximum worst-case current from typical current specifications, or for computing maximum or minimum worst-case time delays from typical time delays. Adjustment factors may be required to adjust for power-supply. Refer to the Design Manual for the specific array to determine what multipliers are required.


Copyright © 1996, 2001, 2002, 2008, 2016 Donnamaie E. White , WhitePubs Enterprises, Inc.
For problems or questions on these pages, contact [email protected]