Array Series and Specific Array
Clearly identify which array family and which array within that family
is the one used for this design. The selection should match the chip
macro identification.
Macro Library Version (required identification)
The macro library: release version number is on the label of the
release media and on the upper right hand corner of the chip macros.
The version used for the drawings and all execution files must be
supplied on the submission checklist. Designers should always verify
that they have the latest version of a library immediately prior to
beginning schematic capture.
MacroMatrix Release Version
The MacroMatrix: release number may vary from the library release.
Supply this number on the checklist.
- EWS System Operating System and Software Version
AMCC-system release compatibility is defined in the Operation and
Installation section of the AMCC Design Manual and is the minimum
release level that is compatible with the AMCC MacroMatrix package.
Where a CAD/CAE software package is available on several platforms,
that information is also clearly defined.
- Index file for Floppy DIsks; Tapes (required)
Each floppy disk (tape) submitted must contain its own text index
file (read.me) listing all files contained on that disk (tape), with
a description of each file. Each disk (tape) should be clearly labeled
as to its name and contents. All file names should be meaningful.
One disk (tape) should contain a master index file listing all disk
(tape) files and their contents. A hardcopy of this master index file
should also be submitted.
All files should be on AMCC-readable magnetic media.
- Schematic Drawing Pages (may be required)
The final versions of all submitted schematic pages are to be on
both magnetic media and in hardcopy format. Two sets of the printed
schematics (minimum) are required; three sets for non-EWS schematics.
One set must be clearly marked (highlighted) to show AC Test paths
and critical paths. Label AC Test paths with the documentation AC
Test number. Label the critical paths with the timing correlation
report path number.
- AGIF Netlist - circuit.sdi (required)
The final version of the AGIF (AMCC Generic Interface Format) netlist
that was used as input to the MacroMatrix AMCCERC,
AMCCANN, AMCCSIMFMT, AMCCVRC and AMCCSUBMIT programs must be included
on the media (disk or tape). They require the use of the AGIF netlist.
The netlist file is called circuit.sdi and is located in the
.../ERC subdirectory. There should only be one of these files for
any given set of simulations running on the same library (MILMAX,
- AMCCERC (Rules Check) Report (required)
The printed AMCCERC report, AMCCERC.LST, must be submitted with the
hardcopy and media documentation. Any error messages must be accompanied
with an AMCC waiver (approved Pre-Approval Request or PAR) and a description
as to their intended resolution. [Page 6-A-1; 6-A-2]