Refining the CCU
Last Edit November 2, 1996; May 1, 1999; July 7, 2001
Interrupt Servicing
Under interrupt servicing, the controlling unit stops to service
an I/O only when an interrupt request is detected. There are two
basic variations of this scheme - polled interrupt and vectored
Polled Interrupt
With polled interrupt, all of the interrupt request lines are ORed
into one interrupt request signal, and the controller tests this
line periodically. When a request is detected, the controller stops
and then polls each device to determine which device made the request.
Priority is assigned by the position of the device in the
polling sequence.
- The overall throughput has been improved for the cases where
no devices are active.
- The active device must wait while the inactive devices which
precede it in the sequence are polled.
Vectored Interrupt
With vectored interrupt, all of the device interrupt request lines
are ORed as with polled interrupt. This time, however, when a request
is sensed, the interrupt is identified to the controller. A priority
scheme may or may not be involved.
- This scheme requires more hardware
- is faster
- requires less software than the polled interrupt approach.
The vectored interrupt may be thought of as a branch table, while
polled interrupt is comparable to a series of IF-GOTO statements.
A microprogram flowchart is given in Figure 4-2.
Figure 4-2 Interrupt vectoring microprogram flowchart. One microinstruction
interrupt supplies the branch address for the routine.
Implementation - Interrupt Request Signals
There are two types of interrupt request or device service request
signals - level sensitive and edge sensitive.
Level sensitive
Level sensitive signals are generally device generated. The device
raises (or lowers) its request line until the system acknowledges
the signal. On receipt of the system acknowledge, the device drops
its request.
Edge sensitive
Edge sensitive or pulse signals are generally initiated by a transient
event occurrence. The pulse may occur one or more times and must
be "caught" by the interrupt detection hardware on its first occurrence.
Interrupt Storage
A single interrupt store circuit involving a latch and register
is shown in Figure 4-3. By setting the latch bypass control
at 1 or 0, the circuit is level-driven or acts as a pulse-catcher.
Once the interrupt requests are clocked into the register, the
register output is an interrupt request signal for the system.
Figure 4-3 Single Interrupt Storage. Latch bypass = 0, pulse
catcher =1, level driven
Implementing Polled Interrupt
Polled interrupt might be implemented by inputting the interrupt
request lines to a multiplexer and then outputting that MUX output
into the conditional test MUX of the control unit, or directly into
the output enable (OE') of the Am2910, for example.
The outputs of the register are also fed into an OR gate, which
is another input to the conditional test MUX. When a test is made
of the OR input and it is found (that an interrupt exists) a branch
is made in the microprogram to an interrupt polling routine.
This routine is a series of test and branch instructions, where
each microinstruction selects one of the interrupt request line
to test (see Figure 4-4).
Figure 4-4 Polling Interrupt Request lines via MUX. Each microinstruction
increments S1S0 index to examine next request
In either case, there is a limit on the number of interrupts that
can be handled and a high overhead in the microword widths and the
microroutine length (and, therefore, a large microprogram memory)
to provide for the desired number of allowable interrupts.
Implementing Vectored Interrupt
With vectored interrupt, an OR gate is still involved and still
feeds into one input of the conditional test MUX. However, the interrupt
or device identification is provided to the system without further
demands on the available MUX inputs.
One scheme for identification of the interrupt is to use a priority
encoder such as the Am2913. This device accepts eight interrupts
(active low) and outputs a 3-bit vector, which is the binary index
of the highest priority interrupt line. It also outputs a fourth
signal, which is the OR gate, i.e., ANY. The logical block is shown
in Figure 4-5.
Figure 4-5 Am2913 priority interrupt encoder/expander (limited
expansion). If Y7 low, output is (111)2, all
other Yi are "don't care". A2A1A0
represents the index of the highest priority interrupt received.
This is the address or address modifier for the service routine.
The index itself is a partial address, and there are various schemes
that could be used. Two are considered here.
The three bits could be a complete start address, with zeros
driven into low-order bit locations. This fixes the areas within
the microprogram memory where the start address of the appropriate
service routines may be placed.
The three bits could be a complete address into the lower
address portion of the micromemory, with an interrupt jump table
stored there. This frees the routine to be placed anywhere but requires
that the first few words of the micromemory be reserved for the
jump table.