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Bit-Slice Design: Controllers and ALUs

Garland STPM Press
out of print, often at Used books
eBook at since 1995

AMD 2900 Family Bible - supports current IP

Intro to Bit Slice

Lecture Monograph updated

The AMD 2900 Family (Am2900) Bit-Slice and other devices were supported by a number of high-level application notes. (Generated by the AMD Application Staff.)

The popular 2900 family was presented in hundreds of seminars to a world-wide audience from 1977 thru the early 90s. It has not be produced by AMD for well over a decade (if not two) but it lives still as IP blocks. This is soft IP (RTL code - mostly Verilog). Designs are still being maintained and new designs using IP are still being conceived. Here are some documents saved from the dust. Controllers are still designed everyday. What a waste to constantly re-invent the wheel!

Chapter 1 Computer Architecture

AMD Application Note: CHAPTER 1: This Chapter 1 Ap Note is on-line at: (10+MB)
Here is a reduced fle size version - requires at least Acrobat 7 (<2MB)

AMD Application Note: CHAPTER 2: Microprogrammed Design (<70MB - yikes!)
Here is a reduced file size version - requires at least Acrobat 7 (<10.2MB)

CH3 cover

AMD Application Note: CHAPTER 3: Data Path (32MB)
Reduced file size CH3 (4.8MB)

AMD Application Note: CHAPTER 4: The Data Path - (50+MB)
Reduced file size available here
(about 7.6MB)

Chapter 5 - the Program Control Unit

AMD Application Note: CHAPTER 5: The Program Control Unit (16MB)
Reduced file size available here (about 2.3MB)

Chapter 6 - Interrupt Handling

AMD Application Note: CHAPTER 6: Interrupt (24MB)
Reduced file size available here (3.7MB)

CH7 Direct Memory Access

AMD Application Note: CHAPTER 7: Direct Memory Access (19MB)
Reduced file size available here (2.8MB)

Missing - CHAPTER 8 - HEX29 Computer

Super Sixteen

AMC Application Note: CHAPTER 9: Super Sixteen Here (16-bit Bipolar Microprocessor) (3MB)

Bit-Slice Ap Notes

The above all appear in the hardcover book by Mick & Brick







April 2009



AMD Am2900 Family Databook - 1995 - Bitsavers' PDF Document Archive (30MB) - On-Line at Bit Savers
(Link at bottom of that page) Document will open, downloads

Am2900 Bipolar Microprocessor Family Microprogramming Card

Wikipedia - Am2900

Bit Savers has the 1985 version of the ED2900A Seminar on-line (link at Wikipedia)

Photos of the Am2901 Chips:

ED2900A Seminar Introduction to Designing with the AM2900 Family of Microprogrammable Bipolar Devices Written/Taught by D. E. White (1981): This was the basis of the textbook Bit-Slice Design: Controllers and ALUs which was done with full backing from AMD. They handed it out to customers.

242 pages       204 pages

Acrobat 7 minimum - about 2MB each - downloads

A note on vintage material - the seminar above was written before the creation of WORD, laser-printers, or any of the tools so readily available today. The pages were copied, assembled (punched pages jam a copier) and then scanned to PDF in sections. They are pretty much as they were. We had two fonts - Impact and Courier. Impact printers (Daisywheel or the Spinwriter), and no drawing tools. There was no sp el-check (we had a 3rd party tool that tried). [It was first written in 1979.] We added illustrations with typing or we copied from data books and pasted them onto the camera-ready copy. White tape, glue and white-out were standard tools.

The formal ap notes were actually type-set and the drawings done by an illustrator. We laugh today - when FrameMaker, QuarkXpress, InDesign, Illustrator, screen-capture, file-transfer, VISIO, Photoshop and PDF are available and printing is done in color or B&W with a laser printer we have to constantly tell IT to tone down - we don't need 1200dpi!

The ED2900A and ED2900B Seminars used a common Study Guide/Teacher's Manual:

This is 7.5MB PDF - Acrobat 7 at least - about 124 pages - 1.5MB - Downloads (blank pages removed)

Disc Controller

Early Ap Note - Disc Controller Here (730KB)
(OK OK We still have an argument - disc or disk?)

ED2900B Microprogrammable Computer Architecture - Seminar note set and study guide (not uploaded yet)

Another ApNote: Microprogramming Handbook by John R. Mick and Jim Brick
(1977 AMD) (3.74 MB)

Application Notes By D. E. White:

Firmware Interrupts for the 2900 Designer's Notebook, Digital Design, March 1981, pg. 76-77.

Hardware Interrupts for the 2900 , Seminar handout (unpublished)

def file for the Am29203, Seminar handout (unpublished)

Programming the Am2910 Seminar handout (unpublished)

Toward Structured Microprogramming with AMDASM: The Am2901C and the Am2910A Seminar Handou

An Emulation of the Am9080A - an 8-bit MOS Microprocessor 686KB

An Example of A Microprogrammed Machine Schematics and AMDASM files (1978)



Am2900 Learning and Evaluation Kit User's Manual (Chap 1, 2) (1978 AMD) ( 4.9MB) (600dpi)

User's Manual Chap 3 (743KB) (200dpi)

Chap 4 Kit Assembly (652KB)

Chap 5 Kit Parts List (185KB)

Chap 6 Kit Programming Exercises (1.6MB)

Chap 7 Kit Schematic (104KB)





For information about this file or to report problems in its use email [email protected]
Copyright © 2009-2000 Donnamaie E. White - White Enterprises - WhitePubs Enterprises, Inc.
Photos are the property of WhitePubs Enterprises, Inc and may not be used for commercial purposes without written permission of the owner.