My Bio
Short Stories (index)

On Releasing Vintage Information to the Web

Garland STPM Press
out of print, often at Amazon.com Used books
eBook at dacafe.com since 1995
AMD 2900 Family Bible - supports current IP

Lecture Monograph updated (soon)
AMD Am2900 Family Databook - 1995 - Bitsavers' PDF Document Archive (30MB) - On-Line at Bit Savers
(Link at bottom of that page) Document will open, downloads
April 2009
ED2900B Microprogrammable Compuer Architecture Seminar -
circa about 1980
The follow-on seminar was intense; ED2900B Microprogrammable Computer Architecture.
After Dr. White left AMD in early 1982, they dumbed-down the class so others could teach it.
(Rather hilarious.) This is the original. (This will be put on lulu.com shortly - we are just getting set up)
The ED2900A and ED2900B Seminars used a common Study Guide/Teacher's Manual:

This is 7.5MB PDF - Acrobat 7 at least - about 124 pages - 1.5MB - Downloads (blank pages removed)
Am29116 Study Guide - Used in the ED2900B Seminar (couple pages need re-scan)
Authors listed (1980)
