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Cancer Update - Surgery the 6th
Date: September 3, 2018
I am ER Positive
PR positive
so they took away my hormones - I hope they warned the cops. PMS - permanent and hot flashes! Oh Joy. Now my hair will fall out, my skin will turn to crap, and my bones will fail.
and hot flashes when 76 are not fun.
HER2 Negative - this is key (it was showing maybe positive from the simpler test)
My BP hit 184 during the biopsy thing (plus or minus a few weeks) so I am on Losartan - 100mg. (2 pills.)
They also took away my double shot coffee - now they really need to warn the cops.
I mentioned this to one surgeon - he allowed a little coffee.... I can have this 1/2 oz of Doubeshot or I can have a K-cup Chai Latte. Medifast also has caffeine. EEEK.

Stage 1 early stage
2cm tumor
Surgery next Thursday (the 6th)
They "Expect a positive outlook
My son coming down to take me in "
Doctors' drawings

If you have to have breast cancer -- this is what you want to have.
Lumpectomy on the 6th
This is interesting. They to go into the breast and remove the little sucker. How to find it?
Well, they do a pre-op thing - An ultrasound re-finds the tumor and the chip that they mounted inside my breast during the biopsy. The doctor then has an idea how big a "box" is to be removed. HOPING TO GET ALL OF IT. IF NOT - THEY HAVE TO DO ANOTHER SURGERY. Most of the time --- they get a big enough box. On locating the little chip - they attach a WIRE and leave it sticking out of your breast anchored to the chip inside. Now the surgeon can find the sucker.
THEN they inject a "Nuclear Injection" that "lights up" the path from the tumor to the Sentinel Lymph Node. A sentinel = a soldier or guard whose job is to stand and keep watch. They need that node. They will remove it, smash it up (well - not literally) checking to see if any stray and roaming bad cells (cancer cells) have made it to the Sentinel lymph node. (It would be bad if this is found to be true.)
This is the final piece of information necessary to walk the flow chart (decision chart to the non-technical) and to decide on the necessary treatment. Like a pill you take for 5-10 years if you can tolerate it..... Like do you need radiation, or chemo, or both.
I want nothing to do with that. Seen what people go through. Watched my son---remember?

So - my son is coming down to drive me and Thursday is the big day.
And somewhere in here we address the need for me to drop weight, get back to walking (level ground), and treat me for high cholesterol and high BP and I am pre-diabetic.